Все статьи из рубрики "Society"

Own way.

     Recently, at a meeting with the youth, I was asked: “What main message could you give to young people?”

     What is the question! It is similar to the question of the meaning of life.

     I thought about it and replied “The main conclusion of life, which I made to my years, is this: Everything …

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Independence from habits.

       Most of all I love freedom and do not want to be dependent on anything.

       In order not to become addicted, I do not use drugs.

       In order not to feel the need for alcohol to lift the mood and emancipation, I do not drink alcohol. I can have fun without …

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             I do not smoke myself. And I cannot even stand tobacco smoke.

             But I’m not against smokers. I am for freedom. If they like to poison, pollute their lungs, get cancer, then for God’s sake. This is their choice. But!…

             If smokers …

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           When penalty is imposed at work, some blame superiors, colleagues, subordinates.

           But, I think that the person is to blame in all his/her troubles.

           If the person were an ideal worker, what would be the point of punishing him?

           If …

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Money. Fame. Power.


          If you work hard to earn money and spend it on buying a house or a car, or on travels, then, most likely, you will not become a millionaire. If money is not your goal, but only a means, an instrument with which you can make astonishing deals, build …

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Dislike for banks.

       I do not support some of my Facebook friends, who declare their dislike for banks.

       It comes to the fact that they dream that the server of the bank with their debts burned down or broke down.

       I myself often lent money and acted as a bank. And I’ve always been …

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Trolls in life.

    I remember I had one bully in my class. He did not like high achievers and activists. Because of this, I often had to fight him. At that time I thought: “It would be nice if he were transferred to another class or another school.” It seemed to me that this was the solution to my problem. But …

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Internal and external growth.

     Recently I had an intimate talk with one colleague. He is much younger than I am and only begins a career.

     – How old are you now? What did you achieve by your years? Does it correspond to your life plans? – I began the conversation in instructive tones as an elder.

     – Everything …

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One divides, the other chooses.

       Two brothers inherited a plot of land and could not divide it. Each of them wanted to get a more fertile part, and no one wanted to give in.

       Then they went to a wise man for advice. He listened to them and asked the elder brother to draw a line on the land …

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Education and upbringing.

       Recently many well-off Kazakhstanis send their children at a very early age to study abroad. It’s not even about studying at a university, but about secondary education. 15-16-year-old boys and girls leave. This is done to ensure that children learn the foreign language better and are prepared to enter the university.

       But I have …

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